Shopify Integration with ManyChat

Kelly Mirabella
3 min readJun 16, 2020

In this article and accompanied video, I am showing you how to do a ManyChat Shopify Integration.

Using ManyChat integrtion with Shopify

Online sales are where it’s at!

The days of jumping into the car and going to the mall or big box stores are quickly disappearing into the rearview mirror. Nowadays people are more inclined to shop from, well…

From the couch, the hammock, the car while their husband drives, the park while their kids play, and basically anywhere they can also access their phone. In fact, even before this coronavirus pandemic online retail was growing leaps and bounds. According to the U.S. Department of commerce, consumers spent $601.75 billion online with US merchants in 2019 up 14.9% from 2018. And that’s not all…

According to the U.S. Department of commerce, consumers spent $601.75 billion online with US merchants in 2019 up 14.9% from 2018.

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, online sales are exploding. Many online retailers Selling Non-Essentials are getting double and triple-digit Increases In online sales right now. I mean seriously just look at Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, who is set to become the world’s first Trillionaire!

Shopify reported that in their first quarter of 2020 sales grew by 47% to $470 million from the same time period the previous year.

But you don’t need Amazon to win the online race! Shopify offers small and large businesses alike a powerful way to showcase and sell their products online. And even Shopify is seeing huge gains during the pandemic. Shopify reported that in their first quarter of 2020 sales grew by 47% to $470 million from the same time period the previous year.

ManyChat is like adding fuel to the fire!

Let’s kick it up a notch and ensure your Shopify store is a success with the help of ManyChat and a messenger bot!

ManyChat’s Shopify integration can help you capture buyer information and send important notifications via Messenger, such as shipping, order details, and the like. It can help you save the sale with abandon cart capabilities and Manychat just rolled out a super easy coupon code integration that makes doing specials and even unique coupons easy peasy lemon squeezy.

In the video below, I am going to show you how to set up the integration with ManyChat and Shopify and also show you how easy it is to send coupons for your Shopify shop using Messenger and ManyChat.

Now you can pour gasoline to the fire that is your Shopify store! Now I have a question for you: what Shopify ManyChat integration features do you want to learn about next? Let me know in the comments below. If you have questions or want to connect with other awesome Botshots like yourself, be sure to join my Baby Got Bot Facebook group. It is easy and free! I do live Q&As, answer your questions, and do lots of bonus trainings and tips. So check it out.

Looking for more reading on the topic of Messenger Marketing? Check these out:

Onboarding a new Account to ManyChat

Confirmed Event Reminder Explained



Kelly Mirabella

Social media consultant, entrepreneur, wife, mother and all around curious soul. I have dyslexia so please excuse my horrid spelling…Enjoy my random ramblings